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Porting to other Platforms / 64 Bit

The SDK contains two platform dependent components: the JNI library of libusbJava and the macro processor bmp. The package contains 32 bit Linux and Windows versions of this components. 64 bit Windows is fully downward compatible, i.e. users should not need to recompile anything. Users of 32 bit Linux usually only need to recompile the JNI library.

Users who ported any component are asked to send me the libraries / binaries in order that I can include them into the SDK and make them usable for other users.

Compiling the JNI library

The following description is for Unix-like operating systems.

  1. Change to the directory libusbJava-src in the SDK
  2. Set JAVAPREFIX (around line 16) to the base directory of the JAVA JDK. ($JAVAPREFIX/include should contain jni.h)
  3. For other OS than Linux: replace $(JAVAPREFIX)/include/linux in LIBINCS (around line 35) by the system specific directory
  4. Run make, this compiles the JNI library
  5. Run make install2, this copies the library to ../libusbJava

make tries to build two versions of the library, a statical linked one (libusbJavaSt) and a shared linked one (libusbJavaSh). When libusbJava starts it first tries to load the shared version which uses the libusb of the system. If this fails the statical version is tried which also runs on computers where no libusb is installed.


The macro processor bmp is written in Freespascal. A Freepascal installation is required in order to compile the bmp.

  1. Change to the directory bmp in the SDK
  2. Run make, this compiles the binary
  3. Run make install2, this copies the library to ../bin


en/software/porting.1290421298.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/11/22 10:21 by stefan
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